
  • Santa Monica 3rd Ward vs. Glendale 7th

    This was the championship game of the tournament. The Silver Monkeys proved more than anyone could handle. Good work, simians. Flag football: Glendale 7th vs. SM3

  • Glendale 7th Ward vs. Los Angeles 1st

    Here are more pictures from the June 19th flag football tournament between four wards of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Glendale 7th managed to defeat the Gators and move on to play against the Santa Monica 3rd Ward Silver Monkeys in the final. Flag football: Glendale 7th vs. L.A. 1st

  • Santa Monica 3rd vs Westdale 2nd with a 7D

    So one of the first things I tried out my Canon 7D on was a couple of games of flag football between members of a couple of Southern California congregations of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Here is a gallery of shots from the game between the Santa Monica 3rd young… Read more »

  • Late Night Worker

    I just got a Canon 7D, and got to put it through its paces working on a little movie called “Late Night Worker.” You can view the movie here. The thing was conceived of and directed by a guy named Kenny McNett. You can check our more of his shenanigans over at his website at… Read more »

  • The Biggest Mistake Made by Single Mormons Results (part 2 of 2)

    At long last, it is finished! Welcome back to the second half of the Biggest Mistake Made by Single Mormons survey results. This article contains a breakdown of the top five most popular results to the questions “what is the biggest mistake made by single Mormon men?” and “what is the biggest mistake made by… Read more »

  • The Biggest Mistake Made by Single Mormons Results (part 1 of 2)

    Thanks, everyone, for participating in the survey. I have gone through your answers and tried to categorize them. I’m afraid this has been an unscientific and subjective process, but I think the list of most popular responses I’ve produced is generally accurate. Considering how many responses were given and how long the article was getting… Read more »

  • The Biggest Mistake Made by Single Mormons Poll

    I’m getting close to the point where I tally the results of this survey. If you haven’t responded yet but want to be included, now’s the time. If you don’t want to read the explanation, you can just click here and go straight to the poll: Take the Poll Single Mormons seem to spend a… Read more »

  • Love, Lust, and Carbon Monoxide

    In 1978, a glam rock band from Great Britain called Sweet was on their way to musical obscurity. The era of musicians in sparkling tight pants, pink scarves and blaze orange platform boots was coming to an end thanks to this new thing called “Punk.” But Sweet had one last hit percolating in their minds…. Read more »